

China Can’t Get It Right, May Lockdown Regions A Second Time As New Infections Emerge

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Nearly 108 million people in China’s Jilin province could be forced back into lockdown after a growing group of new coronavirus infections triggered a backslide in the nation’s push to return to normal.

The abrupt reversal in China’s northeast region has once again cut off public transportation, closed schools and led to another round of quarantine.

Fan Pai, who works at a trading company in the nearby province of Liaoning, told Bloomberg News that people are starting to feel “more cautious” again.

“Children playing outside are wearing masks again,” she said. “It’s frustrating because you don’t know when it will end.”

The new clusters of coronavirus cases have also ignited everyone’s worst fear that a second wave of the deadly disease could be on the horizon.

Wuhan, the Chinese city where the novel coronavirus was first reported in 2019, also saw new cases emerge last week, though neither the cases in Jilin or Wuhan have been as severe as the original outbreak. – READ MORE

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