

Police In Dem Controlled NYC MAN HANDLE Woman With Child Over A Mask…Enough Is ENOUGH!

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A woman not fully wearing a mask in New York City’s subway was confronted by police as she was walking with her child. Here’s what was caught on video:

The woman was clearly very unhappy at being confronted by police. As they proceed to escort her out of the subway system one of the cops touches her and she yells for him not to touch her, and then slaps his arm away. That’s when it really went bad for her as police took her to the ground and put her in handcuffs. All of this in front her child.

According to the tweet, police say they only escorted her out and didn’t arrest her or charge her with anything.

UPDATE: In a more recent tweet, police said they did arrest and charge the woman:

UPDATE 2: Here’s more details by New York 1:

The altercation was over coronavirus regulations and wearing a face mask.

It happened Wednesday morning at the Barclays Center subway station in Brooklyn. Police say the woman was not wearing her mask correctly.

“The officers did not accost her. They approached her professionally and asked her to put a mask on,” said Police Commissioner Dermot Shea.

He called it a bad situation, but says the woman flipped out. He said it‘s all on police body cameras as well.

“It is frustrating that that first interaction, ‘Please put a mask on,’ and it turned into statements made with terrible profanity, yelling and then, ‘I’m going to cough on everyone,’” Shea told City Council members about what the woman said.

In very much related ‘news’, Remy is out with his latest parody mocking the heavy handed lockdown:


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