

Tuesday Failings Has Bernie Looking For The Exit Sign

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It looks like the Sanders campaign might finally come to an end.

According to The Hill, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is going to “assess his campaign” after his loss to former VP Joe Biden on Tuesday:

“The next primary contest is three weeks away,” Sanders’s campaign manager Faiz Shakir said in a statement. “Sen. Sanders is going to be having conversations with his supporters to assess his campaign.”

“In the immediate term, however, he is focused on the government response to the coronavirus outbreak and ensuring that we take care of working people and the most vulnerable.”

The statement comes hours after Biden won sweeping victories in the Arizona, Florida, and Illinois primaries on Tuesday. On Super Tuesday earlier this month, Biden took the lead in the race by winning 10 of 14 contests.

Tuesday’s win put Biden so far out ahead in terms of delegates that Sanders catching up would almost be an impossibility. The Sanders campaign had some momentum for a time but quickly lost it on Super Tuesday, almost assuring Biden the nomination for Democratic primary.

While the announcement has not been official as of yet, it’s likely that we’ll see Sanders suspend his campaign in the very near future, leaving the Democrat party to select Biden to go on to face off against President Donald Trump in the general.

Via RedState

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