

ISIS Weaponizing Coronavirus — Afghan Migrants Waive ISIS Flag and Riot to Break German Quarantine

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Migrants in Germany waving ISIS flags rioted at a holding camp in the city of Suhl.

The migrants from Georgia and the Maghreb region threatened to torch their buildings and attacked reporters and police.

They did not want to be quarantined.

RAIR Foundation reported.

Following the arrival of an Afghan migrant testing positive for Covid-19, Germany has imposed a quarantine on the country’s 533 illegal Afghan migrants. These quarantined migrants are being housed in Germany’s first reception facility in the City of Suhl in Thuringia, Germany. The infected Afghan entered Germany via Sweden and Hamburg, and did not arrive at the center until Friday morning.

The quarantined migrants from Georgia as well as the Maghreb region, have started rioting, threatening to set fire to the facility, throwing objects at police and using children as human shields while waving ISIS flags. They also removed manhole covers in an attempt to reach the city through the sewer system.

In the following RAIR Foundation USA exclusively translated video, Wolfgang Nicolai, the chief inspector of Suhl State Police, informs the public about the dangerous attacks taking place by ISIS operatives quarantined at this German reception center.

Via Amy Mek at RAIR Foundation.

In this video below guards chase down a migrant at the Suhl facility.

The Thuringen Suhl migrant center is now completely under quarantine.

German workers entered the camp completely covered for protection from the virus

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