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High School Gender-Neutral Bathroom Shuttered After SERIOUS Sexual Assault!

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A high school in Wisconsin has now closed it’s ‘gender neutral’ bathroom after a sexual assault occurred:

CHRISTIAN POST – A Wisconsin high school has closed its gender-neutral bathroom after an 18-year-old student was arrested for fourth-degree sexual assault, child enticement and exposing his genitals to a child inside the facility.

Austin Sauer, a student at Rhinelander High School, was arrested last week, according to the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office, WSAW-TV reported.

As per Wisconsin law, a fourth-degree sexual assault involves non-penetrative sexual contact with a person without his or her consent.

Media reports have not identified the sex of the minor victim, but the child is likely a girl.

Captain Terri Hook from the Sheriff’s office said that the gender-neutral bathroom has now been closed, and that the school hadn’t sent a message to parents because it was an isolated incident and the student had been removed from the school.

The sheriff’s office also said that the accused had not been charged, and the investigation was still underway.

This is what happens when liberal idealism meets reality. The idea that you can just have a multi-person gender neutral bathroom in a high school where boys are in the woes of puberty and expect nothing to happen is like putting an oxygen tank in a room full of smokers. At some point it’s going to go boom.

The conservative argument against transgender bathrooms from the beginning has been, in large part, the security and safety of women and children. And this is a perfect example of what we are talking about. This is why we boycotted Target after they adopted this ridiculous transgender bathroom policy, which did lead to many incidents of voyeurism and peeping toms.

How many more people will have to suffer before the left admits their policy is reckless and puts the privacy and safety of women and children at risk?


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