

Rigged Election? Top Democrats Planning Bernie Sabotage At Convention, ‘Socialism Can’t Be Allowed To Win…’

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Despite Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying she would be “comfortable” with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) as the party’s nominee in the upcoming presidential election, a bombshell New York Times report says that a growing group of DNC superdelegates and party leaders are planning to stop the democratic socialist at the nominating convention in Milwaukee this summer.

Based on dozens of interviews with party leaders and 93 superdelegates, the Times reported that a significant contingent of top Democrats are secretly planning to stop him at the Democratic National Convention this summer, even if it risks damaging Democrats’ chances in November.

“This article is based on interviews with the 93 superdelegates, out of 771 total, as well as party strategists and aides to senior Democrats about the thinking of party leaders. A vast majority of those superdelegates — whose ranks include federal elected officials, former presidents and vice presidents and D.N.C. members — predicted that no candidate would clinch the nomination during the primaries, and that there would be a brokered convention fight in July to choose a nominee,” the Times, which also spoke on-the-record with various top Democrats, reported.

“People are worried,” said former Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd, who once led the DNC and is endorsing former Vice President Joe Biden. “How you can spend four or five months hoping you don’t have to put a bumper sticker from that guy on your car?”

Democrats are so anxious about Sanders potentially being the party’s nominee that some are urging former President Barack Obama to get involved to broker a truce either among the remaining “moderate” candidates or between progressives and the DNC establishment. – read more

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