

Professor Warns Coronavirus Similar To Anthrax – China Has Much To Answer!

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Fox News reports that a Japanese woman who recovered (tested negative) from Coronavirus has been infected a second time. This is the first instance of a second infection outside of China.

Reuters reported that Japan’s Health Minister, Katsunobu Kato, has advised the government to “review previous patient lists and monitor the condition of those previously discharged.”

Philip Tierno Jr., professor of microbiology and pathology at NYU School of Medicine told Reuters, “I’m not certain that this is not bi-phasic, like anthrax. Once you have the infection, it could remain dormant and with minimal symptoms, and then you can get an exacerbation if it finds its way into the lungs.”

Japan is scheduled to host the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. Tierno said Japan may want to consider “postponing the Olympics if this continues…There are many people who don’t understand how easy it is to spread this infection from one person to another.”

Dr. Joel S. Holmes, an engineer, is the author of a newly released book entitled “The China Virus: Corona Pandemic, What Families and Countries Can Do,” which I read last night. What I learned was unsettling, to say the least. Holmes is in the Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) camp and he lays out the case quite specifically in this book.

Cotton said: “We don’t have evidence that this disease originated there, but because of China’s duplicity and dishonesty from the beginning, we need to at least ask the question to see what the evidence says, and China right now is not giving evidence on that question at all.”

Although the theory that the coronavirus may be a weaponized virus has been disputed by the left, the Chinese cannot be trusted. In light of the uncommon characteristics of this virus, the possibility must at least be explored and ruled out before it is dismissed as a conspiracy theory.

1. The extraordinary length of the incubation period and its transmissibility during that period.

2. The length of time the virus remains alive on surfaces (nine days).

3. Its high R0 or “Basic Reproduction Number,” the number of people an infected person will transmit the disease to. Holmes points out that “the 1918 Influenza had an R0 of 1.8. The novel coronavirus has an R0, thus far, of about 2.2 and it’s getting worse as the virus mutates. Putting it in terms of a pandemic, it means that new infections caused by the COVID-19 will double every 6.4 days.”

Holmes tells the story of how the Chinese may have obtained the coronavirus in the following excerpt:

Specifically we start at Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg, and with Scientific Director Dr. Frank Plummer…On May 4, 2013 the Novel Coronavirus arrived at the Canadian lab in Winnipeg.

It was sent by well known Dutch virologist Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, most certainly because the National Microbiology Laboratory of Canada specializes in complete testing services for COVID-19.

Fouchier himself had received it from a colleague in the Middle East (Dubai) who had isolated the virus from the lungs of a patient.

The Canadian Lab grew a research bank of the new virus and set about to see what animals could be infected by it.

The National Microbiology Laboratory is the only LEVEL 4 virology lab in Canada, capable of handling the most dangerous diseases.

Unfortunately there were additional dangers that the lab was not aware of. And those dangers were high level Chinese staff members who were engaged in espionage and theft.

One of the Chinese spies was Director of the Vaccine Development and Antiviral Therapies Section in the Special Pathogens Program. Xiangguo Qiu graduated from Hebei Medical University in 1985 and came to Canada for advanced studies. If the word “Hebei” sounds familiar, it’s because that’s the province in China which is the epicenter of the Corona pandemic.

How Dr. Xiangguo Qiu morphed from a medical doctor to a virologist is not known, but she ended up doing leading work at the Canadian lab.

And she was not alone at that lab. Her husband, Dr. Keding Cheng, a bacteriologist was also at the National Microbiology Laboratory, and who also mysteriously shifted into virology.

Together they infiltrated the NML and engaged in theft of technology, secrets, and of actual viral samples, which they sent secretly to China.

Of importance, is that Xiangguo Qiu is a specialist in biological warfare.

The management and staff of the NML were sleeping at the wheel while these two engaged in theft of dangerous viral samples. Perhaps political correctness played a role in turning a blind eye to possible irregularities.

In addition to their own espionage and thefts, these two arranged for additional Chinese nationals to infiltrate the NML…

Stolen materials, including samples of the Novel Coronavirus were somehow taken or shipped by this group of six to Wuhan.

And possibly taken personally by Dr Xiangguo Qiu on multiple trips she made to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2017 and 2018.

It was not until early July 2019, too late, that the Canadian lab woke up to the obvious. Even then they did not act appropriately and bring in law enforcement, but simply escorted Xiangguo Qiu and her husband out of the building.

While we can’t know exactly what these two Chinese doctors were doing at the lab or what their motives were, the timeline Holmes specifies and the fact that the couple had been escorted out of the building last July are corroborated by this CBC Canada article dated October 3, 2019. Additionally, the article confirms that they are currently under investigation by the Royal Canadian Military Police. The receipt and the timing of the coronavirus sample is corroborated here.

It all sounds very plausible. China has a long history of stealing research and technology from foreign countries. The most recent example was the FBI’s arrest last month of the chair of Harvard’s chemistry department for lying about the work he was doing for the Chinese government. Two other Boston area professors were arrested “for aiding China’s efforts to steal scientific research.”

We would be foolish not to investigate.

Via RedState

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