

Biden Logic: Obama Caged Immigrant Children To Keep Them Safe, Trump Caged Them Out Of Vile Xenophobia…

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Well this is nuts. Joe Biden knows that he is vulnerable on the issue of separating families at the border under the Obama administration, so he defends it, and says it was not the same as what is happening under Trump:

I mean, you gotta hand it to Ramos, who we generally see as a leftwing activist pretending to be a journalist, for pressing Biden on an issue that is gonna hurt him. I actually think Biden answered the question pretty well, in defense of the Obama administration. Unfortunately, now he’s backing away from immigration enforcement.

IN the same interview, Biden apologizes for deporting 3 million and says they shouldn’t have done it!

Former Vice President Joe Biden said the fact that the Obama administration deported 3 million undocumented immigrants, many of whom had no criminal records, “was a big mistake.”

“We took far too long to get it right,” the Democratic presidential candidate said in a Friday interview with Univision’s Jorge Ramos in Henderson, Nevada.

Biden said the administration did not begin to “get it right” with regard to immigration until after its first term. The former vice president also did dispute that the administration deported more people than any administration before them as well as the Trump administration, though that fact has been widely reported on since he and Obama left office.

“The point is there were too many,” he conceded. “I saw the pain in the eyes of so many people who saw their families being deported. I know what it’s like to lose family members. It was painful.”

Yep. Enforcing US law is painful. It’s painful when we have to enforce it against criminals who are legal US residents, but we’re not gonna stop that, are we? The issue of illegal immigration and refugee policies is very complex, as we discussed on my last podcast with guest Dana Perino [sorry, had to plug it again!].

But Biden is making it very clear that even the meager law enforcement that was done under the Obama administration is a thing of the past because the Democratic party has moved so far to the left that they’re adopt the “no deportations” insanity of the illegal alien advocate crowd. Good luck with that, buddy. I have a feeling even those with Democratic sympathies know that this kind of open borders lawless policy will result in chaos for America.


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