

INSANE! CNN’s Erin Burnett Claims Iranians Chanting ‘Death To America’ Are Just Kidding, LOL

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During an interview on Iran, CNN’s Erin Burnett actually said that Iranians who chant “Death to America” don’t really mean it. Her evidence? They were really nice to her. From the Blaze:

“I will say I was in Tehran when they were chanting ‘Death to America’ once,” she noted. “I was at a rally. The people couldn’t have been more friendly to me personally as an American. It sort of felt … like a ‘thing’ and a trope as opposed to anything that actually was seriously meant and considered. I understand your point, but having been there, my experience was quite different.”

Then the expert guy chimed in and kinda embarrassed her:

“Erin, your entire life, Iran … has chanted ‘Death to America.’ And they have taken actions against Americans, American interests, in ways … that are lethal, killing Americans, giving weaponry to people who have intentions … to kill Americans,” he responded. “So it’s not just a slogan; this obviously is something Iran has systematically continued to do. It’s part of their seeking weapons of mass destruction and their claim to want to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. These are real threats from the leadership of Iran even though — and I’m glad you had a safe and a warm response — the people on the street may be different than those who are controlling their military.”

I do think there’s a huge difference between the Iranian people, the majority of whom do not support the regime, and the murderous regime. BUT it’s crazy to think that people chanting “Death to America” don’t really mean it. I’m sure she’d give that benefit of the doubt to Trump supporters if they chanted “death to CNN” right? Riiiiight.

Here’s the video from MRC:

That is just nuts.

Via TRS 

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