

URGENT: Iran Launches Rockets Near US Embassy, Attempts To Murder US Troops!

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Looks like the militia may be trying some return action today against the United States.

Reports out of Iraq are there have been two rocket attacks near U.S. assets in the Baghdad area.

One attack involved a Katyusha rocket that hit in the Green Zone near the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

No U.S. injuries are reported in that attack.

An hour and a half later, there were at least three rockets fired at the Balad Airbase which is an Iraqi airbase that houses U.S. soldiers. Again initial reports suggest there were no U.S. injuries. There are reports of possibly a few Iraqi injuries.

Now it’s important to note that while it may be retaliation, it’s also not uncommon. Balad appears to be a prior target and rockets have landed near the embassy in the past.

Iraqis have been living with this from the militias for a long time.

Indeed, one of the reasons we took out Soleimani was because of prior rocket attacks including one that killed a U.S. contractor and wounded four other Americans.

This is a developing story and we will keep you updated if more breaks.

Via RedState

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