

WATCH: Democrats Thought They Controlled The Country…But Angry Voters Are Reclaiming Their Constitutional Power!

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Watching Rep. Adam Schiff manipulate byzantine parliamentary House rules to benefit Democrats on the Intelligence Committee is like watching a man mad with power.

The lawmaker used his power as chair of the Intelligence Committee and rules passed by his colleagues to crush Republican resistance during his committee’s time handling the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump.

But now, he’s been confronted by an uncomfortable truth: In the real world, there’s not a single rule he can cite to silence angry citizens.

During a town hall organized by the Armenian National Committee of America and held in Glendale, California, Schiff wasn’t able to get though more than a few minutes of his speech before being shut down by angry Americans.

He should have known it was coming — after all, the lawmaker was booed from the moment he walked across the stage at Saturday’s forum.

It took less than two minutes for shouts of “liar” to come from the crowd.

Several people began yelling negative comments about Schiff and his role in the partisan impeachment process.

Eventually, the meeting descended into pure chaos.

“You should be in jail,” one fed-up man shouted. “You are a disgrace to the House of Representatives. You will be going to jail for treason!”

Signs with anti-impeachment slogans were lifted high above the crowd as chants of “liar, liar” sounded through the venue.

Through it all, Schiff stood on the stage with his trademark blank stare.

Watch below:

WARNING: The following video contains profane language that some viewers may find offensive. Viewer discretion is advised.

Compare Schiff’s powerless and awkward performance at the town hall to his grandstanding during his own turn handling the impeachment inquiry.

If there’s one thing this video makes abundantly clear, it’s that Americans are sick and tired of the impeachment charade.

Democratic leaders frame the entire attempt to oust Trump as a bipartisan effort, but the only thing bipartisan about it is those who are railing against it.

Even now, some in the Democratic Party are joining their Republican colleagues to end the unfair impeachment push.

Because of Schiff’s crucial role in making the impeachment inquiry the monster it is today, it’s unlikely protesters will leave him alone anytime soon.

Unfortunately for him, there’s not much he can do outside of his committee but stand and listen to the disgruntled masses.

Via WesternJournal

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