

Now They’ve Done It! Impeachment Democrats Invoke The FULL WRATH Of Melania Trump!

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First Lady Melania Trump defended her 13-year-old son Barron on Wednesday after Democrat witness Pamela Karlan took a cheap shot at the First Son.

One of the witnesses the Dems rolled out is an angry Hillary Clinton donor who was on Crooked’s list for a potential Supreme Court nomination.

Ms. Karlan also took a cheap shot at President Trump’s 13-year-old son Barron.

Typical Democrat — They hate children!

“I’ll just give you one example that shows you the difference between him and a king which is, the Constitution says there can be no titles of nobility. So while the President can name is son Barron, he can’t make him a baron,” Karlan angrily exclaimed during an exchange with Democrat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

First Lady Melania shot back and publicly shamed Pamela Karlan for attacking her young son.

First Lady Melania: “A minor child deserves privacy and should be kept out of politics. Pamela Karlan, you should be ashamed of your very angry and obviously biased public pandering, and using a child to do it.”

The Queen has spoken!

Via GatewayPundit

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