

Leader Of ‘Extinction Rebellion’ Goes Extinct At The Hands Of His Own Minions!

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Here we go again. Ya’ll remember the extreme climate change cretins of “Extinction Rebellion”? Well they just booted their own founder after he made comments downplaying the horrors of the Holocaust. Wow.

The co-founder of Extinction Rebellion has been denounced by his own movement after describing the Holocaust as “just another f***ery in human history”.

Roger Hallam sparked anger in Germany with comments that appeared to downplay the Nazi genocide of six million Jewish people.

In an interview with weekly newspaper Die Zeit, he said: “The fact of the matter is, millions of people have been killed in vicious circumstances on a regular basis throughout history.”

Mr Hallam cited mass murders in the Congo by the Belgians as an example, saying: “The Belgians came to the Congo in the late 19th century and decimated it.”

In that context, he suggested, the Holocaust was “almost a normal event … just another f***ery in human history”.

What is hilarious is that his idiotic comments are just based on a bitter nihilist view of human nature and history, not really something he meant as anti-Semitic. But that’s it, he’s out! LOL!

The comments prompted a swift and stern rebuke from Extinction Rebellion’s German branch, which said: “We firmly distance ourselves from Roger Hallam’s belittling and relativising remarks on the Holocaust.

“Roger violates the principles of XR, who do not tolerate antisemitism, and is no longer welcome at XR Germany.”

The UK chapter of the environmental movement, which has staged campaigns of civil disobedience around the world, also “unreservedly” denounced its founder’s remarks and said he could face expulsion.

AND he lost a book deal over it:

Mr Hallam’s comments were widely condemned in Germany and led his publisher in the country to withdraw his upcoming book.

Wow. Bet he’s feeling pretty stupid right about now. I say let him in. We need as many of these extremist a-holes showing people just how insane and crazy the left really is, so that they can rationally choose to reject them. And their holocaust-denial!


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