

Democratic Candidates Threaten Relationship With Liberal Media Unless They ‘Play By The Rules’

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Despite what some may contend, other major news networks are on the Left every bit as much as Fox is on the Right. I’m referring to, to be clear, the evening shows.

Yet, though you’ve likely heard some in the spotlight say they won’t go on Fox, you might be disappointed if you’re looking for the same protest of MSNBC.

Or, at least, you would’ve been.

But now there’s a Democratic presidential candidate who’s sworn off the Peacock, and he’s not going to reconsider until there’s an apology.

Businessman and 2020 hopeful Andrew Yang gave the network a bit of “Go jump in a lake” in response to its recent invitation to appear on air.

In Andrew’s view, the outlet hasn’t been fair in its campaign coverage.

Here’s his PO’d post:

“Was asked to appear on @msnbc this weekend – and told them that I’d be happy to after they apologize on-air, discuss and include our campaign consistent with our polling, and allow surrogates from our campaign as they do other candidates’. They think we need them. We don’t.”


Dang — Yang with the bang.

As noted by Fox News, it’s not the first peep heard from a ticked-off Team Andrew.

During Wednesday night’s Democratic debate, according to critics, the candidate was given far less speaking time than others on the dais.

Reportedly, at a viewing party, the entrepreneur skewered the outlet thusly:

“lt felt great…but then it felt like, ‘When the hell are they going to f—–g call on me?’ The hypocrisy of MSNBC, in a way, just makes us stronger. I’m almost — almost grateful.”


Was he right? Here’s a breakdown, courtesy of The New York Times:

The majority of the candidates spoke for more than 10 minutes; Tulsi Gabbard and Tom Steyer didn’t. In last place: Andrew, with 6 minutes and 48 seconds.

In fact, by Thursday, a hashtag had popped up on Twitter: #MSNBCFearsYang.

I have to mention at this point, because it’s a personal pet peeve, that someone’s opposition to something — despite what is quite commonly claimed — is in no way necessarily an indication of fear.

But that’s not to say the home of Scarborough and Maddow is being fair.

From Fox:

Prior to [the] debate, the network excluded Yang from a graphic on polling and one previewing the debate.

The outlet did try to make amends:

The network attempted to apologize on Sunday but faced mockery from Yang’s campaign manager. “Thank you @MSNBC, for making this apology for the 15th time. The #YangGang is very excited for #16,” campaign manager Zach Graumann said.

Personally, I think anyone waiting for fairness from MSNBC might wanna pack a sandwich and magazine.

Let’s not forget — this is who we’re talking about:

Fairness ain’t their forte.

Via RedState

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