

WOW! Eric Swalwell Drops A REAL DOOZY, Passes Audible Gas On Live TV

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Democrats’ efforts to impeach President Donald Trump are going over with the public like a juicy, wet fart.

Seriously. Such wind was broken live on MSNBC on Monday night on the eve of the Democrats’ next round of impeachment hearings on Tuesday, where a Democrat Congressman helping lead the charge for impeachment was being interviewed by a network host. Then, mid-interview, a loud fart broke out on air.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) denied Monday evening that it was he who ripped the massive fart live on MSNBC during an interview with Chris Matthews on Hardball.

Meanwhile, Matthews and MSNBC remain silent on whether they are owning up to the blast of flatulence that interrupted the top Democrat’s argument backing House Democrats’ push for the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

During the video, as the fart was being ripped, Swalwell pauses and appears to smirk as he says, “The evidence is un-contradicted that the president used taxpayer dollars…” – READ MORE

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