

VIDEO: Jim Jordan Tears Apart Schiff’s Star Witness Like A Bull Dog!

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Jim Jordan had a very impressive line of questioning today for the star witness of Schiff’s impeachment hearing, former Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor, exposing that Democrats really have no basis for their claims that Trump was involved in a quid pro quo with Zelensky.

First Jordan establishes that despite meeting with Zelensky three times AFTER the July 25 call, over the course of 55 days, Taylor never once heard Zelensky mention that aid was held up, nor did Zelensky ever once announce public or private, any investigations into the Bidens:

Secondly, Jordan exposes the very convoluted way in which Taylor heard that Sonland said there was a ‘quid pro quo’:

In case you want to see it in writing, this is the sentence Jordan read from Sonland’s testimony addendum:

“Ambassador Taylor recalls that Mr. Morrison told Ambassador Taylor that I told Mr. Morrison that I conveyed this message to Mr. Yermack on Sept 1, 2019 in connection with Vice President Pence’s visit to Warsaw and a meeting with President Zelensky.”

If this isn’t the definition of hearsay, I don’t know what is. And remember, Sonland testified in his addendum that the statement he made, which Taylor is referencing, was only his assumption:

As Jordan points out, this is the star witness for impeachment. LOL!

Watch the full questioning by Jordan below:


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