

James Comey Expected To Celebrate New Thanksgiving Tradition…BEHIND BARS!

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Sources have told investigative journalist Sara Carter that the DOJ Inspector General’s report on FISA abuse will be released before Thanksgiving. We’ve been down this road before – repeatedly – so we’ll take this latest report with a large grain of salt.

Anyway, Carter’s sources say the report will be damning and is “alleged to contain several criminal referrals on former FBI officials. The report will apparently have at least two criminal referrals, said two sources, with knowledge. One of those criminal referrals is expected to be [former FBI Director James] Comey. However, the Inspector General’s office has not been providing comments on the report.”

(Note: In August, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz released a report about Comey’s egregious actions and issued a referral at that time. However, Attorney General William Barr declined to prosecute. I explained my assessment of his reasons here. One of the major reasons I believed was his awareness that two far more comprehensive reports were coming, both of which were expected to contain evidence that Comey had violated the law.)

It may also contain previously classified information. In May, President Trump granted Attorney General William Barr “full and complete authority” to declassify any documents he deems relevant and/or necessary and several of these may be contained in Horowitz’ report.

All along, we’ve expected the report would contain fully declassified pages of the FBI’s FISA application (and renewals) for the warrant to spy on former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. (A heavily redacted copy of this document was released in 2018.) We’ve also anticipated it will include the ‘Gang of Eight’ folder as well as exculpatory evidence on former Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos (who is now running for former Congresswoman Katie Hill’s (D-CA) vacated seat.)

What I’m hearing for the first time ever is that we may finally see:

The email chain between FBI investigators in the Russia probe and then-FBI Director James Comey. Those emails also include discussions with lawyers in the DOJ’s national security division. As previously reported, the email chains will contain information that prove the FBI knew prior to obtaining a warrant to spy on Page that former British spy Christopher Steele’s information in his infamous dossier on Trump could not be proven.

Horowitz’s report is also going to contain evidence that the FBI handled Hillary Clinton’s campaign differently than that of President Trump’s campaign. It will reveal that she had received a detailed debriefing from the FBI on foreign attempts to make contact with her campaign. It will reveal the deep bias and animus those FBI officials had toward the Trump campaign.

A House Republican source told Carter, “If it’s strong and comes out soon, the IG report will do some real damage to the Democrats’ impeachment charade. It would show that Resistance bureaucrats really are conspiring to take down Trump. It would also fatally undermine the credibility of Schiff, who argued vehemently that there were no FISA abuses—it will mean that, as Intel Committee Chairman, he’s ignoring severe abuses for purely political purposes.”

If Carter’s information is accurate, the report may finally provide evidence that top-level Obama Administration officials weaponized the most highly trusted government agencies to knock candidate Donald Trump out of the race, and having failed to accomplish that, they’ve relentlessly used these agencies to sabotage his presidency.

What do you call that?

I call it treason.

Via RedState

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