

BREAKING: President Trump Poised To Deliver The Deep State A Fatal Blow!

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General Michael Flynn’s Attorney Sidney Powell joined Jason Chaffetz on Hannity on Friday night following the release of her court filing in the Flynn case on Thursday.

Sidney Powell released a number of pages of information that are totally damning to Obama’s Deep State actors and villains. We know that the 302 was doctored by Lisa Page per prior notes from Powell and now we know that the 302 was doctored by adding an entire question and answer of the General that was later used to criminally indict him.

In addition, Powell’s filing with the court released tonight shows that Obama’s former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper was involved in leaking the General’s discussion with Russian Kislyak before President Trump’s 2017 Inauguration!

On Saturday morning President Trump promoted Powell’s recent findings on the Deep State’s lies and just revealed criminal actions to destroy General Michael Flynn.

President Trump: General Michael Flynn’s attorney is demanding that charges be immediately dropped after they found that FBI Agents manipulated records against him. They say that James Clapper told a reporter to “take a kill shot at Flynn. This has been a complete setup of Michael Flynn. They exonerated him completely of being an agent of Russia (Recently Crooked Hillary charged Tulsi Gabbard & Jill Stein with the same thing-SICK), and yet Mr. Comey still runs to the White House on February 14 and conjures up the Obstruction of Justice narrative against the President when Flynn had been cleared of everything long before that. The DOJ is withholding a lot of evidence & information, as are Clapper & Brennan & all of the people who participated in the complete setup of Michael Flynn.”(Terrible!) Sidney Powell. This is a disgrace! — Thank you @foxandfriends! Hopefully this is just the beginning of a massive story of injustice and treason. You will never learn this from the corrupt LameStream Media who get Pulitzer Prizes for reporting the story totally wrong. The ones who report it right get only RESPECT!

Here again is Sidney Powell from Hannity last night.

Via GatewayPundit

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