

Biden Makes Last Ditch Effort – Goes All-In On Trump Impeachment Push

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In the midst of a week that’s seen him suffer setbacks in his 2020 Democratic presidential campaign, former Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday called for President Donald Trump to be impeached.

Biden’s remarks came at a campaign stop in Rochester, New Hampshire, according to The Hill. He’s previously stopped short of outright saying the president should be impeached.

“Donald Trump has violated his oath of office, betrayed this nation and committed impeachable acts,” Biden said Wednesday.

“To preserve our Constitution, our democracy, our basic integrity, he should be impeached,” he added.

Biden went on to cite what he sees as offenses worthy of impeachment.

“That’s not only because of what he’s done. The answer to whether he has committed acts sufficient toward impeachment is obvious,” the former vice president said.

“We see it in Trump’s own words. We see it in the texts from State Department officials that have been made public. We see it in his pulling much of the United States government into his corrupt schemes, individuals within the government, his appointees,” he added.

“We have to remember that impeachment isn’t only about what the president has done. It’s about the threat the president poses to the nation.”

According to Biden, Trump would do anything to win re-election.

“We believe Americans should decide Americans, period,” Biden said, as The Washington Post reported. “But Donald Trump will do anything to get re-elected, including violating the most basic forms of democracy. It’s stunning, and it’s dangerous.”

“He has seen no limits to his power, regardless what the Constitution says.”

Biden’s remarks on impeachment come as he appears to be ceding momentum in the race to win the Democratic nomination.

In terms of third-quarter fundraising, Biden lagged behind three other candidates: Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, as well as Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Sanders raised $25.3 million, Warren $24.6 million, Buttigieg $19.2 million and Biden just $15.2 million.

Moreover, on Wednesday, the RealClearPolitics polling average showed that for the first time since announcing his candidacy, Biden is not the Democratic front-runner.

The former vice president is currently garnering 26.4 percent support nationwide, which is two-tenths of a percentage point lower than Warren’s 26.6 percent.

Trump, meanwhile, quickly responded to Biden’s call for impeachment, calling it “pathetic.”

Via WesternJournal

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