

Border Patrol Discover 113 Drug-Smuggling Tunnels Crossing Mexican Border In Single Arizona Town

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This is incredible. Criminal organizations in Mexico will go to any lengths to smuggle migrants & drugs into our country. When we built our first section of wall earlier this year, we put in underground motion sensors & security cameras along the length of it. Fortunately, the area where we built the wall is extremely rocky and very difficult to dig under. Our wall also goes 6-feet under the surface to prevent tunneling. The government needs to follow this example to prevent cartels from breaching the border barriers.

KRON4 is reporting:

“NOGALES, Arizona (Border Report) — Border agents from Nogales have encountered and closed 113 illicit cross-border tunnels, mostly in downtown Nogales, within a one-mile radius of the DeConcini land crossing, according to the U.S. Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector.

“One day we got a call (from the police) at 3 in the morning saying we needed to come and check out our property because there was a tunnel coming across from Mexico that had been built in our house,” said Eugenio Celaya, a resident of Nogales.

His house on International Boulevard stands about 50 feet from the border. The imposing 18-foot steel bollard wall draped in concertina wire that separates Downtown Nogales, Sonora, from Celaya’s American neighborhood wasn’t always there.

“Concertina wire was placed along the fencing within the last year by Department of Defense personnel,” Tucson Sector Border Patrol’s Public Affairs Office said in a statement. “This additional wire was at the request of Department of Homeland Security management to reduce incursions along the most vulnerable crossing areas.”

Its previous incarnations included metal planks that could be climbed over and before that a mere chain link fence. That, coupled with portions of dirt road that soak up moisture from rain, paved the way for Mexican smugglers to burrow their way under the border.

Police had come to Celeya’s house, which his family had been renting out, to assist the Border Patrol tracking a group of migrants. The tunnel started a few feet into Mexico and came up under his stove.

“It was a little thing, maybe 3 feet by 3 … people had to squeeze in real tight,” Celaya said.

In working with authorities to fill out the tunnel, his family learned that an underground river once ran through the area, so the soil wasn’t to difficult to dig.

The tunnel was taken care of and a for-rent sign went up again on the property. New tenants were screened and a new family moved in. Less than three months later, authorities again called on the Celaya family.

“They reopened the tunnel on the other side and this time it came out underneath our deck,” Celaya said. “They just bypassed the cement and made a new exit.”

The homeowner showed Border Report a large square covered with heavy rocks in his front porch where the deck used to be.

“We filled it with concrete and put the rocks on top for good measure,” he said.

VIA WeBuildTheWall

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