

Queen Elizabeth AGREES To Boris Johnson’s Request, Now Anti-Brexit Rebels Are Writhing With Outrage

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Boris Johnson is making waves today in Britain as he just got the Queen to agree to suspend parliament for the sake of Brexit:

USA TODAY – Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II approved a request Wednesday by Prime Minister Boris Johnson to suspend Parliament, a constitutionally unusual move that makes it easier for Johnson to force through the country’s departure from the European Union.

It means British parliamentarians, determined to stop the nation leaving the EU without a formal exit deal, will have little time to do so just weeks ahead of a Brexit deadline on Oct. 31. Johnson requested the Queen “prorogue” Parliament — shut it down, essentially — on Sept. 10, a week after lawmakers return from a summer recess.

Britain’s monarch rarely intervenes directly in politicized affairs of state and it would be exceptionally rare for her to defy the prime minister’s request. The British pound currency fell sharply on the news, recently down almost 1% against the dollar.

In a statement, Johnson said Parliament would re-start on Oct. 14, giving rebelling lawmakers only two weeks to find a way to thwart any “no-deal” Brexit. He also characterized the decision as less about Brexit and more about an attempt to “bring forward a new bold and ambitious legislative agenda” aimed at helping to boost funding to Britain’s state health care system, fighting crime and cutting living costs.

Johnson said there would be enough time for lawmakers to debate Brexit.

Britain’s Parliament is typically “prorogued” once a year for a short time, usually in April or May, to allow for any backlogged legislation to wend its way through the legislative body. But it’s not considered normal for it be suspended for other reasons. It’s not immediately clear if or how lawmakers can effectively oppose Johnson’s request. They may try to launch a no confidence vote or bring legal action.

I had no idea that the Queen could suspend Parliament like this. I thought she was just a figurehead, but I guess not.

Nigel Farage likes the idea of suspending Parliament:

The move also ultimately adds to speculation, disputed by Johnson and members of his Cabinet, that his government is preparing to call a snap general election aimed at reaffirming a mandate to take Britain out of the 28-nation EU political bloc.

Nigel Farage, a leading Brexit supporter and close ally of President Donald Trump, said Johnson’s decision to suspend Parliament was a good one and means that a general election is “more likely and is seen as a positive move by Brexiteers.”

The UK citizenry voted to leave the EU back in June of 2016. Over three years and 2 Prime Ministers later, they still haven’t been able to agree on a proper way to leave. And it seems that they never will. They just keep kicking the Brexit date down the road.

It looks like Boris Johnson wants to force Brexit through and get it over with, once and for all.


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