

WATCH: ‘Peaceful Muslim’ Leader Calls For Women To Be BOILED and SKINNED For Wearing Bikinis

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Iran’s supreme leader threatens women “they will be SKINNED alive” for not wearing an Islamic veil.
This is how women are treated under Sharia law in Iran.
They are not even allowed to remove the veil at the beach during the hot days of summer.
Please watch and share this video which exposes the brutal violation of women’s rights in Iran.

In Muslim countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan The Islamic veil symbolizes oppression of women under Sharia laws.
The whole idea of the hijab (and niqab) is that it is entirely the woman’s responsibility to prevent men from being tempted. She must cover herself in order to forestall that temptation.
Women who remove the veil are publicly flogged by the Sharia police.
Many people do not know it, but Iran was one of the most modern and developed countries in Asia.
Everything changed after the Islamic Revolution.
Sharia laws took Iran back to the Stone Age.

[UnderMain] Shari’a laws are a set of laws that are based on the life of Prophet Muhammad.
Shari’a is not just a law but a way of life, ideology and political movement, according to the Sharia laws:
– There is no freedom of religion or freedom of speech.
– There is no equality between people (the non-Muslim is not equal to the Muslim).
– There are no equal rights for men and women.
– There is no democracy or a separation between religion and state politics.
Child marriage, forced marriage, Child brides, polygamy, FGM, Acid attacks, honor killings, beheading and stoning.
Sharia has no place in the civilized world.

Here is why Western countries should adopt Trump’s Travel Ban:

Trump, as a candidate, called in 2015 for a ban on refugees from terror-laden countries.
Trump is correct, Just look at what has been happening to Europe in recent years since the beginning of the immigration crisis.
Here are only few examples:

3 June 2017 – London: Eight people were killed when three Muslim terrorists drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge.

22 May 2017 – Manchester: Suicide bomber Salman Abedi detonated a bomb at Manchester Arena as fans were leaving an Ariana Grande concert, killing himself and 22 others.

7 April 2017 – Stockholm: Muslim terrorist drove stolen truck into a crowd in the Swedish capital, killing four people and wounding 15 others.

19 December 2016 – Berlin: Muslim terrorist drove a truck into a crowded Christmas market in central Berlin, killing 12 people and injuring 56 others.

Hundreds of innocent people have been killed in terrorist attacks in France, Germany, Britain, Finland and even Sweden.

After Millions of illegal immigrants and refugees have infiltrated into Europe thanks to the EU’s open borders policy.

According to British media, London is now more dangerous than New York City. According to crime statistics, crime across the U.K. was up 13%, with much of it in London. Rape, robbery, Acid attacks, honor killings and violent offenses have surged dramatically. Figures like these have risen in many European countries, with Sweden becoming “Europe’s rape capital,” Germany’s steep rise in violent and crimes, and Paris’s frequent terror attacks.

EU, Australia, US, UK, and even Canada must close their borders.
A country without borders is a country without security.

VIA SpeechPoint

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