

Warren Unveils A New Strategy – ‘Just Tell Them I’m The Next President, Just Like I Said I Was Native American!’

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LANSING, Mich.—Elizabeth Warren is solidly in third place in the Democratic primary polls, but she’s starting to picture herself in the White House.

“When I’m president—whoa, that sounds good!” she said in Detroit on Tuesday.

In front of a pair of crowds totaling more than 2,000 in Detroit and Lansing, the 2020 contender pitched her latest plans to overhaul Washington and the U.S. economy, squealed about taking “selfies” with her supporters, and imagined out loud being President Warren.

There is no doubt she generates some of the most enthusiasm at her events of any Democratic candidate, and she’s enjoyed a small surge in polling, fundraising and positive press after a rocky start.

“I think she’s getting a bit of traction. I’ve been hearing more about her in general. People are talking about her,” Alex Marks, an attendee of Warren’s rally, told the Washington Free Beacon. – READ MORE

Via TruePundit

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