

Democrats Are WORRIED SICK About The Mueller Report…So They’re Attempting To Stop Devin Nunes’ Private Meeting With AG Barr!

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House Democrats are sounding the alarm over plans by House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., to meet privately with Attorney General Bill Barr to discuss criminal referrals against federal authorities involved in investigating Trump and his campaign associates over the Russia collusion allegations.

In a hearing before the Senate Appropriations Committee this week, Barr said that he plans to investigate the probes and the collection of evidence that sparked special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. Nunes joined other congressional Republicans in supporting Barr’s probe, saying over the last several days that he will send as many as eight criminal referrals to the Justice Department. At the hearing, Barr told lawmakers that he was awaiting Nunes’ information as the new probes unfold.

“We expect to learn more if and when the Department of Justice receives the referrals, assuming the department follows appropriate protocol and Barr holds any such meeting only with representatives of the majority and minority present,” one Democratic Intelligence Committee member told Politico.

“[B]ut it is clear they believe they now have an ally in the attorney general to perpetuate their conspiracy theories of ‘spying’ and their determination to investigate the investigators, no matter how misguided and damaging their efforts are to our national institutions, or the dedicated public servants who work to keep us safe,” the aide added. – READ MORE

Via TruePundit

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