

Devin Nunes Finds SEVERAL Legal Violations In Russia Witch Hunt – Sends Criminal-Referral Notice To AG Barr

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Republican Rep. Devin Nunes sent a criminal-referral notification to Attorney General William Barr on Thursday alleging several “potential violations” of the law.

The ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee said he and Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe are prepared to brief Barr on alleged misconduct during the FBI’s investigation into Russian meddling and contacts with Trump advisers during the 2016 campaign.

The referrals stem from the investigation conducted by the House Intelligence Committee when Republicans held the House majority.

“As part of that investigation, Committee Republicans identified several potential violations of law,” Nunes, R-Calif., wrote in a brief letter to Barr on Thursday.

The notification comes after Barr testified to Congress this week that he is reviewing the “conduct” of the original FBI investigation. During the second of two Capitol Hill appearances on Wednesday, Barr said he believes “spying did occur,” and the question is “whether it was adequately predicated.” – READ MORE

Via TruePundit

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