

Jim Jordan Goes On FIERY Blast Against Democrats Promoting Cohen’s Lies!

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Ohio representative Jim Jordan lambasted Democrats for “promoting an admitted liar,” Michael Cohen, in an attempt to jump-start impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.

“Giving a platform to Mr. Cohen is beneath the dignity of the Congress, and I am saddened that Democrats have sunk so low as to promote an admitted liar just to satisfy Tom Steyer and the political forces on the left who will settle for nothing less than impeachment,” Jordan said in his Thursday statement, specifically targeting the billionaire currently dividing the left. “This charade is an affront to our committee’s constitutional obligations,” he added.

Jordan was responding to Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings’ announcement that Cohen would testify publicly before the panel next Wednesday, despite having already admitted he lied to Congress. Both Jordan and fellow Trump ally, North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows, have expressed their displeasure with the decision.

Jordan further characterized Cummings as “providing a Congressional forum for Mr. Cohen to avenge his grudge with the president and further feed his insatiable desire for celebrity while being a patsy for political aims of the far left.”

While Rep. Cummings maintains that the questioning will be limited so as not to interfere with the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation, Jordan is not impressed. “The Chairman indicated that he will be limiting the topics of the hearing to only a few areas of inquiry — all serving his interest in finding grounds for impeachment. I will not stand by quietly while an admitted liar comes before the Committee,” he said.

Cohen is also set to testify before the Intelligence panel, and has been subpoenaed by the Senate Intelligence Committee. A federal judge has also granted Cohen an extra two months of freedom before beginning his prison sentence on May 6, 2019.

Less than a month ago, Cohen attorney Lanny Davis spoke to ABC’s Good Morning America host George Stephanopoulos, and said: ” Make no mistake, Michael Cohen will speak. They will not thwart this truth coming out.” Unfortunately, Cohen’s relationship with the truth has proven strained.

Via Breitbart

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