

Kirsten Gillibrand Parrots Kamala Harris’ Call ‘To Eliminate Private Insurance’ – 2020 Will Be A Battle Between Democracy And Socialism!

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Two weeks ago, we discussed 2020 hopeful Kamala Harris’s desire to eliminate the private insurance industry. She’s on board with the likes of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, both of whom support single-payer, government-run, system they like to call “Medicare for All.”  As Jake Tapper forced Harris to admit, the plan – by definition – would end the existence of all private plans.

As I pointed out at the time, single-payer will not solve a single issue she lists. It will probably make most of them worse through the unsustainable nature of its cost and inevitable rationing.  In the process, though, it will grant the federal government unprecedented power over the American people and their economy – which is what these people are really after.

This weekend, we learned that another presidential hopeful, Kirsten Gillibrand, also wants to bury the insurance industry.  In fact, in a recent interview with the Lovett or Leave It podcast, she called the end of private health insurance “an urgent goal” for the Democratic Party.


This is not exactly surprising, since Gillibrand has been a single-payer advocate for years. In 2017, she said:

“As I’ve been traveling around New York, the number one thing I keep hearing from New Yorkers is that people are very worried that their health care is still too expensive. Under the health care system we have now, too many insurance companies continue to value their profits more than they value the people they are supposed to be helping. It’s time for something better.”

So, while her latest statement isn’t shocking, it’s yet another indicator the Democrats’ 2020 primary is shaping up to be a radical race to the left.

Here’s Gillibrand back in September of 2017:

Via WesternJournal

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