

Dem. Shelia Jackson Lee Has Zero-Humor, Blows A Circuit On Acting AG Whitaker

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Acting Attorney general Matt Whitaker is crushing Democrats left right and center at his hearing on Friday.

In one of those instances he triggered Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee who went out of her mind at Whitaker’s demeanor.

“Mr. attorney general, we are not joking here,” she shrieked, The Hill reported. “And your humor is not acceptable.”

At one point, Jackson Lee was interrupted and asked for her time to be restored.

“Can the clock be restored?” Jackson Lee asked.

Whitaker quipped in response, “I don’t know if your time has been restored or not.”

Jackson Lee then chastised Whitaker for his humor and said he was there “because we have a constitutional duty to ask questions and the Congress has the right to establish government rules.”

“The rules are that you are here, so I need to ask the question and I need to have my time restored so that you can behave appropriately, I will behave appropriately as a member of the Judiciary Committee,” Jackson Lee said.

He also took on the grandstanding Rep. Eric Swalwell and told him he would not give him the soundbites he wanted, The Washington Examiner reported.

Swalwell, D-Calif., asked Whitaker at a House Judiciary Committee hearing to say, “Mr. President, Bob Mueller is honest and not conflicted.”

“Congressman, I am not a puppet to repeat what you’re saying,” Whitaker replied. “I have answered your question as to what I believe about the special counsel.”

The acting attorney general earlier told Swalwell he believes Mueller to be honest, but the California Democrat continued to push Whitaker to tell Trump he thinks the special counsel is also truthful and not conflicted.

The president in November called Mueller a “conflicted prosecutor gone rogue.” Whitaker declined when pressed again on whether he thinks Mueller is honest.

“Congressman, I am not here to be a puppet to repeat terms and words that you say that I should say,” Whitaker said.

Via WesternJournal

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