

RNC Strikes Elizabeth Warren’s Achilles Heel!

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The Republican National Committee filed a complaint with the Texas bar association, urging it to discipline Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren “for lying” about her “American Indian” heritage on her 1986 Texas Bar registration card.

elizabeth warren american indian texas bar assn

In a letter to the State Bar of Texas, GOP chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said Warren does not have the “moral character” to remain in good standing with the bar.

“Attorney Warren should be disciplined for lying and failing to correct a misrepresentation she made on her Texas Bar registration card.

Good moral character is a functional assessment of character and fitness of a prospective lawyer.

Attorney Warren is now apologizing for misrepresenting herself as an “American Indian” or Native American throughout her career. It has now been 33 years since she made this representation to the Texas Bar and has never made an attempt to correct her registration card.

Therefore, it is clear that Attorney Warren lacked the “Good Moral Character” required for admission to the Texas Bar and should be disciplined for her 3 decades of untruthfulness.”

Warren Benefited from Affirmative Action Programs

As BizPac Review reported, Elizabeth Warren has been widely mocked for insisting she’s part-Cherokee Indian. Warren once cited her “high cheekbones” as proof of her bogus ethnicity.

Early in her career, Warren exploited her fake Native-American heritage to benefit from affirmative action hiring programs that should have benefited actual Native-Americans.

In 2012, Warren admitted that she told Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania that she was Native American while applying for teaching jobs. Not surprisingly, both Ivy League schools jumped to recruit her.

Harvard Bragged about Its Native-American Jewel

Thanks to her shameless exploitation of her phony minority status, Warren — who graduated from Rutgers Law School — was hired as a professor at Harvard Law School, where she was listed as a “woman of color.”

In its promotional materials, Harvard repeatedly bragged about having the rare token Native American on its faculty. This is the holy grail of minorities because Native Americans are extremely underrepresented in both academia and the corporate world.

They deserve every special consideration when it comes to recruitment because of how scarce they are. This makes Warren’s callous and selfish cultural appropriation of the Native American heritage even more disturbing and unethical.

Source: RNC urges Texas Bar to discipline Warren over 'false claims' on ancestry by BPR

Warren’s DNA Test Created More Doubt

In October 2018, Warren claims she took a DNA test that showed that she “may be” 1/1,024 Native American — which makes her less Native American than many white Americans.

Immediately afterward, the left-wing Boston Globe and the New York Times trashed Warren’s laughable “DNA test” because it failed to prove her race claims.

Senior members of Warren’s staff said they were disgusted by her self-destructive move to publicize her dubious test results. One former senior adviser called the “depressing” stunt a massive “strategic failure.”

The DNA test stunt also marginalized Native Americans, because it appeared that Warren was trying to exploit her sham heritage to win street cred with minorities. That kind of self-serving race pandering was widely slammed by many minorities.

President Trump reacted by saying he’ll continue to call Warren “Pocahontas” even though tests suggest she’s not really Native American. “That name is too good to give up,” Trump joked.

Meanwhile, this is the America Senator Warren wants if she were elected president.


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