

Americans Go NUCLEAR On AOC, Outraged As Her True Colors Are Revealed During SOTU

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Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York is taking some heat on social media for her behavior at Tuesday’s State of the Union address.

Ocasio-Cortez, like many of her female colleagues, wore white to the yearly address, in solidarity with her fellow feminists.

However, it was her refusal to show appreciation for some of the more basic human interest issues addressed by President Donald Trump that caught the attention of many people on Twitter.

The Guardian’s Washington, D.C., bureau chief David Smith noted the congresswoman would not stand to show respect for the first lady.

“Trump begins speech and welcomes Melania. Most stand and applaud. One member encourages Ocasio-Cortez to do so; she appears to reply, ‘What? Why?’” Smith tweeted.

Fox National security strategist and radio host Sebastian Gorka noted Ocasio-Cortez’s refusal to applaud even for the most humanitarian of issues.

“NOTE THIS WELL: This woman even refused to applaud the @ICEgov agent who saved more than 300 girls and woman from coyote smugglers,” Gorka pointed out. “AOC is a Marxist who couldn’t care less about other women.”

Political commentator Ryan Fournier tweeted, “AOC is consistently looking to see if other Democrats are clapping to see if she should too. Someone send help.”

Actress and author Robbin Young also called out the freshman congresswoman: “AOC, you showed your true colors, and came off looking like a ‘Wicked Witch.’”

GOP National Spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany pointed out that the 29-year-old Ocasio-Cortez appeared to be showing her youth by constantly checking to see if her colleagues were applauding.

“WATCH: Democrats and @AOC can’t seem to figure out whether to stand (or even clap) for sex and human traffickers being put behind bars! Really!?”

While Trump’s address might not have been appreciated by the youngest congresswoman in history, it was well received by the American people.

CBS poll showed that 76 percent of those who listened to the address approved of the president’s speech, only 43 percent of whom were Republicans.

Via WesternJournal

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