

Bishop Who Condemned Covington MAGA Teens APOLOGIZES — Reveals He Was BULLIED and PRESSURED To Make The Statement

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In this day and age of rampant “fake news,” it is almost expected that establishment media will jump onto bandwagons of condemnation without having all the facts. But when the Diocese of Covington did so against the Covington Catholic School teens, it was shocking to see.

The Diocese was quick to issue a statement on January 19 against the boys featured in a video clip with Native American Nathan PhillipsWLWT reported.

The statement from the Diocese read in part, “We condemn the actions of the Covington Catholic High School students towards Nathan Phillips specifically, and Native Americans in general, Jan. 18, after the March for Life, in Washington, D.C. We extend our deepest apologies to Mr. Phillips. This behavior is opposed to the Church’s teachings on the dignity and respect of the human person.”

The statement is reflective of a piece published by Forbes, which has since been updated, that condemned the boys and urged the Diocese to apologize to Phillips.

In its attack on the Diocese and the young men, the article stated, “It is ironic that a pro-life march would embolden young men to act so disrespectfully. Sadly, such behavior is not unusual.”

“No longer do people hide their bigotry; they act on it publicly. In doing so, they reveal the dark undercurrent of bigotry that has always coursed through our history,” it continued.

In the days following the initial video clip release, more videos came to light that showed what actually happened. And yet, the Diocese remained silent, except to say it was investigating the matter.

As of January 24, WLWT’s attempts to get a statement were met with silence.

It wasn’t until Jan. 25 that the Diocese finally issued another statement, this time apologizing for its haste in rushing to judgment of the boys in the original video clip that went viral on social media.

But the statement, made by way of a letter to the parents of Covington Catholic students, blamed their rush to judgment on being pressured and bullied, WLWT reported. And that wasn’t all.

The letter, penned by the Bishop of Covington, Rev. Roger Foys, also said the new apology was being issued after pressure from outsiders.

Via Western Journal

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