

VIRAL: Watch Company Feels Compelled To Combat Gillette’s Anti-Man Campaign – This Video Is GREAT

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A watch company has responded to Gillette’s recent ad with a similar short of their own.

The big difference between the two videos? While Gillette’s short bashed men for their “toxic” masculinity, Egard Watch Company’s video instead focused on uplifting men.

In an email to Conservative Tribune, a brand of The Western Journal, Egard Watch CEO Ilan Srulovicz said he felt compelled to make his own video in order to uplift men and champion the beauty of real masculinity. He wanted to bring to light the statistics shown in the video, which he believes are often ignored and dismissed.

“I, like the overwhelming majority of men, am absolutely disgusted by sexual assault, rape, bullying, so why throw it in my face as if my ‘gender’ as a whole is toxic,” Srulovicz wrote. “Using terms like ‘toxic masculinity’ etc … is using too broad a stroke to address specific issues … issues which I agree, very much need to be addressed.”

Srulovicz says he believes that people should celebrate each other, rather than tear each other down. He thinks that if Gillette really wants to make men better, their ad went about it the wrong way.

“If that’s really their intention, the best way to do that is to show the best of us, not the worst,” he wrote.

“When I see a man risking his life running in to a burning building, it makes me want to be better. When I see a father who will stand by his kids no matter what, it makes me want to be better. When I see a soldier putting everything on the line to preserve my freedom, I want to be better.”

“That’s what a man is to me and they represent a far greater majority of men than what Gillette portrayed a man to be,” Srulovicz said.

Gillette’s ad ostensibly encouraged men to be “the best men can be.” But you’d be hard-pressed to find any encouragement for men in their ad.

Some of the most glaring put-downs of men came from the ad’s criticism of the majority of men for the actions of a few.

“We believe in the best in men,” the Gillette ad’s voiceover says. “To say the right thing, to act the right way. Some already are, in ways big and small. But some is not enough. Because the boys watching today will be the men of tomorrow.”

Egard’s video turns the “some is not enough” claim on its head with some statistics which show the heights of selflessness that men are capable of.

Citing figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the video points out that men make up 93% of workplace fatalities. Men also make up over 97% of war fatalities.

The statistics show a shocking departure from much of the mainstream media’s narrative. The video points out that 79% of homicide victims are male, while men make up 80% of suicide victims. 75% of single homeless people are men.

As Srulovicz said wrote, “Lift me up if you want to see a change in me, don’t tear me down. These are the messages companies need to be showing and celebrating if they really care about change.”

“I really hope that the video gets to a point where it draws enough attention that larger companies start realizing there is a market in promoting positive messages for men.”

Srulovicz’s video shows firemen, servicemen, and men hugging their children. And he’s right: Now is not the time to put men down. Now is the time to encourage them.

Via WesternJournal

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