

[VIDEO] A Fox Affiliate Just Had to Fire an Employee For Airing Doctored Footage of Trump’s Speech

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A staffer at the local Fox affiliate in Seattle has been fired after the network aired what appeared to be a doctored video from President Donald Trump’s Oval Office address to the nation from Tuesday.

From Daily Caller:

The video that Q13 FOX aired included a segment where the president said, “Hopefully, we can rise above partisan politics in order to support national security.”

In Trump’s speech, after saying that line he briefly paused to lick his lips and then began speaking again. He said, “Some have suggested a barrier is immoral, then why do wealthy politicians build walls, fences, and gates around their homes?”

However, in the video that Q13 aired, Trump licked his lips for an uncomfortably long period of time.

One other difference is that the altered video appears more saturated, leading the president’s skin to appear more orange.

“This does not meet our editorial standards and we regret if it is seen as portraying the president in a negative light,” Q13 news director Erica Hill wrote in a statement, according to the Seattle Times.

Hill released another statement Thursday saying, “We’ve completed our investigation into this incident and determined that the actions were the result of an individual editor whose employment has been terminated.”


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