

Do You Support Trump’s Wall? Howard Stern Thinks You’re a Moron.

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Veteran radio host Howard Stern on Wednesday mocked President Donald Trump’s proposal U.S.-Mexico border wall, describing it as a political gimmick to whip up support from “morons.”

From Breitbart:

As the partial government shutdown extends into its third week, President Trump and Democrat leaders remain at an impasse over the president’s commitment to sign legislation securing $5.6 billion to build a Southern border. Signaling a willingness to comprise on his chief campaign promise, the president is open to erect a steel barrier instead one comprised of concrete. On Wednesday, President Trump walked out of a meeting at the White House with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) after they reiterated their stance against funding the wall and extra security measures.

On his radio show Wednesday, Stern slammed President Trump’s Oval Office address and proposed border security measures. “The wall’s a problem because it’s a waste of money, even Donald knows that,” Stern, whose relationship with President Trump spans decades, claimed.

“You gotta know Donald a bit to understand what’s going on here. The wall’s a simplistic answer to our problems with immigration. It’s something that, you know, morons can get behind because they’re like, ‘Oh yeah, if you build a wall no one can get over it.’ But it’s not that simple,” Stern continued.

The longtime shock jock then ripped the president for seeking $5.6 billion in border wall funding, arguing the amount is billions less than the wall’s true price tag.


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