

The Proof Is In The Numbers – Obama Couldn’t Touch Trump’s First Two Years With A Ten Foot Pole!

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The proof is in the numbers.

The December jobs report released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics gave President Donald Trump a great boost Friday, boasting a healthy employment rise of 312,000 jobs in December.

The report also noted the addition of nearly 5 million jobs since Trump was elected in 2016 and an unemployment rate of less than 4 percent. The news, along with a hold on rate hikes by the Fed gave a much-needed jolt to the stock market with the Dow posting a 747-point gain despite fears about the government shutdown, according to Forbes.

The numbers defy warnings from critics and Trump-bashers who warned that the president’s strong policy reforms and tax cuts would hurt the economy. The official unemployment rate declined to 3.9 percent by December, a significantly lower number than the rate in January 2015 of 5.7 percent under former President Obama.

From a numbers perspective, 8.9 million people were out of work in January 2015 compared to 6.3 million people in December 2018.

Another remarkable change under Trump was the increase in manufacturing jobs, growing 714 percent faster under Trump than over a comparable period under Obama. The report indicated that 32,000 jobs were added just in December.

“In 2018, manufacturing employment increased by 284,000 with some three-quarters of the gain over the year being in durable goods manufacturing, an indication that President’s Trump’s policies are likely causing a shift of manufacturing back to American soil,” Forbes contributor Chuck DeVore reported.

And this, despite dire pronouncements by Obama in June 2016 that manufacturing jobs “are just not going to come back.”

“The 284,000 manufacturing jobs created in 2018 was the most the industry has added in a calendar year since 1997,” the government report read.

DeVore credited Trump’s tax cuts from December 2017 as part of the reason for the booming numbers but also noted a key factor is the administration’s deregulatory efforts.

A below-4-percent unemployment rate in December is only the 13th time since 1970 that this has occurred, the Bureau of Labor Statistics report indicated, adding that eight of those occurrences have been under Trump’s watch. Low unemployment rate records were also set in individual demographic groups, such as the unemployment rate for Hispanics which “fell to a series low” of  4.4 percent.

And these amazing numbers came amid a non-stop hatefest from the left against the president and his policies, including a notably stressful week amid a partial government shutdown, an incoming Democratic majority on the House and even profanity-laced attacks on Trump by freshman lawmakers.

“The employment results are clear: in the last two years of President Obama’s administration, our elites declared manufacturing dead while government added six times the jobs the number of jobs our factories added; while in two years of President Trump’s economic policies, our factories have added five times more employees than government,” DeVore wrote in Forbes. “This is the formula for a stronger, more prosperous America.”

And for Americans who are working and feeling the difference in their wallets, the numbers speak for themselves.


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