

Trump Hits Foul-Mouthed ‘Impeach The Motherf***er’ Congresswoman Right Between The Eyes!

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Speaking before a cheering crowd on Thursday, newly-elected Dem congresswoman Rashida Tlaib said, “People love you and you win. And when your son looks at you and says, ‘Momma, look you won. Bullies don’t win.’ And I said, ‘Baby, they don’t, because we’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the mother***er.'”

In an op-ed for the Detroit Free Press on Thursday, Tlaib said that President Trump needed to be impeached for “obstructing justice, violating the emoluments clause, abusing the pardon power,” among other alleged crimes:

President Donald Trump is a direct and serious threat to our country. On an almost daily basis, he attacks our Constitution, our democracy, the rule of law and the people who are in this country. His conduct has created a constitutional crisis that we must confront now …

We already have overwhelming evidence that the president has committed impeachable offenses, including, just to name a few: obstructing justice; violating the emoluments clause; abusing the pardon power; directing or seeking to direct law enforcement to prosecute political adversaries for improper purposes; advocating illegal violence and undermining equal protection of the laws; ordering the cruel and unconstitutional imprisonment of children and their families at the southern border; and conspiring to illegally influence the 2016 election through a series of hush money payments …

Tlaib later defended her “motherf***er” remarks on Twitter, saying she “will always speak truth to power” and asserting that her intense language was about protecting the Constitution.

“I will always speak truth to power,” she said. “This is not just about Donald Trump. This is about all of us. In the face of this constitutional crisis, we must rise.”

President Trump, never one to let people walk all over him (unlike a certain freshman Senator from Utah), fired back at Tlaib on Friday morning by saying Democrats have no grounds for impeachment because he’s “done nothing” impeachable, no matter how much they bark about Russian collusion.

“How do you impeach a president who has won perhaps the greatest election of all time, done nothing wrong (no Collusion with Russia, it was the Dems that Colluded), had the most successful first two years of any president, and is the most popular Republican in party history 93%?” he tweeted.

The President also said that Democrats “only want to impeach me because they know they can’t win in 2020, too much success!”

As noted by Fox News, the 93% support that President Trump boasted of refers to loyal Republicans.

“Gallup polling for months has shown his job approval ratings underwater, with support hovering lately around 40 percent,” reports Fox. “Yet amid the various controversies surrounding his administration and the recent stock market dive, Trump on Friday was armed with a major dose of positive news when the Labor Department said employers added a stunning 312,000 jobs in December, blowing past expectations.”

Via DailyWire

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