

REALLY CNN?! Another Obnoxious Reporter Has Her Mic Taken After YELLING At Trump!

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A White House aide was forced to take the mic away from CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins on Friday after she repeatedly shouted at President Donald Trump after he answered her questions.

Trump called on Collins after he answered a question from another reporter about how Mexico was going to pay for the border wall.

“You ran your campaign promising supporters that Mexico was going to pay for the wall,” Collins said.

“Oh, here we go again,” Trump responded.

“And that the wall was going to be made of concrete,” Collins continued in a hostile tone. “You just said earlier that the wall could be made of steel and right now our government is shut down over a demand from your administration that the American taxpayer pay for the wall.”

“So how can you say you are not failing on that promise to your supporters?” Collins asked.

“A very nice question, so beautifully asked, even though I just answered,” Trump said sarcastically, noting her hostility.


WATCH (full exchange):

Collins came under fire last year after multiple homophobic tweets were discovered on her Twitter account.

Via DailyWire

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