

Democrats Brag Over Bills Not Funding The Wall – Trump Remains Steadfast, ‘I Will Not Budge Without A Wall!’

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President Donald Trump launched 2019 with an aggressive attack against Democrats who oppose funding for a border wall between the United States and Mexico.

Funding for the wall is the central issue that led to the current government shutdown. Trump wants $5 billion for wall construction. Democrats, who will have a majority in the House in the new session of Congress, reject that amount for the project.

Trump began his New Year Twitter offensive by denigrating the Democrats’ budget proposal as insufficient to meet the border protection needs of the nation.

“The Democrats, much as I suspected, have allocated no money for a new Wall. So imaginative! The problem is, without a Wall there can be no real Border Security – and our Country must finally have a Strong and Secure Southern Border!” Trump tweeted.

Trump later said that the Democratic attitude toward the wall is symptom of a wider issue with congressional Democrats.

“One thing has now been proven. The Democrats do not care about Open Borders and all of the crime and drugs that Open Borders bring!” Trump tweeted.

House Democrats plan to vote Thursday on two separate bills. One would fund the Department of Homeland Security through Feb. 8. The other would fund all other federal agencies through the rest of the federal fiscal year, which ends in September.

The Democratic package include $1.3 billion for wall construction. The bills to fund other agencies match those passed by the Senate, which would have the effect of ending the government shutdown is they pass and Trump signs them.

“Responsibly funding the federal government is one of the most important duties of Congress. This legislation fulfills that responsibility, reopens federal agencies shuttered by the Trump Shutdown, and ensures that the federal government is working for the American people,” Democratic Rep. Nita Lowey of New York, the incoming chairwoman of the House Appropriations Committee, said in a statement, according to The Hill.

“When the 116th Congress convenes Thursday, our new Democratic majority will take the first step to ending the Trump Shutdown by passing this legislation, which has already garnered strong bipartisan support in the Senate.”

During a New Year’s Eve interview with Fox News, Trump responded to criticism of his proposed wall.

“The wall is not old-fashioned. The wall is 100 percent foolproof. … I spent Christmas in the White House, I spent New Year’s Eve now in the White House,” Trump said. “And you know, I’m here, I’m ready to go. It’s very important. A lot of people are looking to get their paycheck, so I’m ready to go whenever they want.”

Trump made it clear he has no plans to budge.

“No, we are not giving up. We have to have border security and the wall is a big part of border security,” Trump said. “The biggest part.”

Via WesternJournal

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