

Kavanaugh VINDICATED After ABA Makes Right Call On Review

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The American Bar Association (ABA) is dropping its review of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh‘s “well qualified” rating, saying it is no longer applicable because he was confirmed to the high court.

An ABA source speaking on the condition of anonymity told CNN the association ends rating processes when nominees are confirmed.

“Per the published policy and historical practice of the Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary, once a justice or judge is confirmed, the Standing Committee’s rating process is closed,” the ABA’s policy reads, according to CNN.

The ABA announced it would review Kavanaugh’s top-notch rating after he was accused of sexual misconduct by three women during his nomination process last month. Kavanaugh unequivocally denied all of the allegations.

The ABA in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) wrote that the association was reopening its evaluation over issues regarding his “temperament” as a judge.

ABA President Robert Carlson also called for the Senate Judiciary Committee to review the allegations against Kavanaugh pending an investigation by the FBI.

“The basic principles that underscore the Senate’s constitutional duty of advice and consent on federal judicial nominees require nothing less than a careful examination of the accusations and facts by the FBI,” Carlson wrote at the time.

Kavanaugh was narrowly confirmed after an FBI report failed to corroborate the allegations of sexual misconduct against him.

Kavanaugh and his allies, including President Trump, throughout the nomination process touted his high ABA ranking as a testament to his qualifications for the high court.

Kavanaugh during his hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee said he received the highest ranking due to his “judicial temperament.”

The ABA is the nation’s largest legal organization, boasting more than 400,000 members.

Via TheHill

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