

Why Is Everyone IGNORING The Fact That Dr. Ford ADMITTED This Has All Been Orchestrated By Feinstein From The Beginning?!

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During Dr. Ford’s hearing, the GOP prosecutor who was selected to question Dr. Ford uncovered an alarming piece of evidence regarding Dianne Feinstein’s in involvement in coordinating an attorney for Dr. Ford.

According to Dr. Ford, Senator Dianne Feinstein is the person who suggested she retain an anti-Trump #Resist attorney, Ms. Katz.

California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein recommended attorneys to Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Judge Brett Kavanaugh of high school-era sexual assault, prior to her testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday.

Feinstein, who withheld information about Blasey Ford’s accusations until after Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, allegedly told Blasey Ford to hire one of her lawyers present at the hearing.

Blasey Ford was asked if the California Democrat advised her on who she should hire as a lawyer, and she responded: “I think that the staff of Dianne Feinstein’s office suggested the possibility of some attorneys.” When asked if both of the lawyers were given to her by Feinstein, Blasey Ford responded by saying, “not both.”

“Yes, I did receive a letter from Dr. Ford,” Feinstein said in the hearing Thursday. “I held it confidential, up to a point where the witness was willing to come forward.”

Kavanaugh will testify in front of the committee after Ford Thursday afternoon.

Via TruthFeed

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