

Sarah Sanders Sings Praises For Graham: ‘[He] Has More Decency And Courage Than Every Democrat’

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White House press secretary Sarah Sanders praised Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Thursday for his defense of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his fiery take-down of Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“.@LindseyGrahamSC has more decency and courage than every Democrat member of the committee combined. God bless him,” Sanders posted on Twitter.

Graham condemned Democrats on the panel Thursday for mismanaging the sexual misconduct allegations leveled at Kavanaugh and described his confirmation process as “the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics.”

“God, I hate to say it, because these have been my friends,” Graham told Kavanaugh during the hearing, referring to his Democratic colleagues. “But let me tell you, when it comes to this, you’re looking for a fair process? You came to the wrong town at the wrong time, my friend.”

“I hope you’re on the Supreme Court. That’s exactly where you should be,” Graham added. “I hope the American people are able to see through this charade, and I wish you well, and I intend to vote for you, and I hope everybody who’s fair-minded will.”

Kavanaugh appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday to address an allegation that he sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford in the summer of 1982. Ford claims Kavanaugh drunkenly forced himself on her during a high school party in Maryland before she was able to extricate herself from underneath his body weight. Kavanaugh denies the accusation.

The panel is scheduled to vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination to the highest court in the land as early as Friday.

Via WashingtonExaminer

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