

‘Let’s Bring This To An End’ – New Poll Shows Majority Of America Want Fake Russian Investigation Over BEFORE Midterms

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Majorities in both parties want special counsel Robert Mueller to conclude his investigation into Russia’s attempted election interference before the midterm elections in November, according to a CNN poll.

In the survey released early Tuesday, majorities of Republicans, Democrats and independents all say that the special counsel should issue a report on allegations of connections between the Trump campaign and Moscow before voters head to the polls.

The percentage is lowest among Democrats, who are more likely to favor giving Mueller the time he needs to complete the probe. Fifty-seven percent of Democratic respondents said it should end before voting in November, compared to 72 percent of Republican respondents and 69 percent of independents.

Overall, 66 percent of voters polled favored ending the investigation before the midterms.

Among those polled, 47 percent said they approved of the way Mueller is handling the Russia investigation, a 6-point gain from June.

Most Americans now say they disapprove of how Trump has handled his response to the investigation, with 55 percent opposed to his efforts so far. The number of Americans who say they support his response, however, rose 5 points from June to 34 percent.

Seven in ten respondents said that Trump should testify directly to Mueller and his team if asked. Three in ten say the Mueller investigation will be “extremely” important in making their vote for Congress this fall.

More than half of respondents, 56 percent, said they believed Trump had already attempted to interfere in the investigation, a 1-point gain from the same poll in February.

CNN’s poll was conducted between Aug. 9-12 and contacted 1,002 U.S. adults. The margin of error is 3.9 percentage points.

Via TheHill

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