

Desperate For Attention, Omarosa Releases SECRET White House Audio – Facing Jail Time For SERIOUS Security Breach!

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Former Trump aide Omarosa Manigault-Newman released astonishing secret footage Sunday that allegedly contained audio of Chief of Staff John Kelly terminating her relationship with the White House and politely asking her to leave without any issues.

“We’re going to talk to you about leaving the White House. It’s come to my attention over the last few months that there’s been some pretty, in my opinion, significant integrity issues related to you and the use of government vehicles and some other issues,” Kelly could be heard saying in the recording, which was allegedly made on Omarosa’s last day at the White House on Dec. 12, 2017.

“I think it’s important to understand that if we make this a friendly departure, we can all be — you know, you can look at your time here in the White House as a year of service to the nation,” he added. “And then you can go on without any type of difficulty in the future relative to your reputation.”

Shared on Twitter late Sunday morning by NBC’s “Meet The Press,” the full audio may be heard below:

Kelly made it clear in the latter portion of the audio clip that things could get “ugly” for her and she could potentially face serious legal repercussions If she chose to stir up drama.

After her departure from the White House, no legal problems ever beset her. Instead Omarosa returned to her attention-seeking ways. That changed recently when she began promoting her memoir. First she began trotting out lies, and now she’s sharing secret White House records with the media.

The irony is that this time there’s no getting away from what she’s done. The fact that Omarosa managed to make a secret recording in the White House’s Situation Room is a big deal.

“This is a HUGE security violation. HUGE,” Laura Rosenberger, the director of the Alliance for Security Democracy, wrote on Twitter Sunday. “Makes you wonder what other kinds of security breaches are occurring under this White House.”

There’s speculation by some on social media now that Omarosa may even be facing some potential jail time:

Word of advice to Omarosa: The folks in jail won’t be nearly as nice to you as John Kelly was, especially once they find out that you’ve got a big mouth.


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