

Antifa Thugs Get Exactly What They Deserve After Police Release Their Names And MUG SHOTS!

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Police in Berkeley, California and Portland, Oregon, arrested several members of Antifa over the weekend. Now, the Berkeley Police Department has released the names and headshots of many of the individuals arrested during a Sunday protest, posting their pictures and making the unhinged leftists furious. Let’s make these fools famous!

According to The Daily Caller, police in Berkeley released the names and headshots on Twitter of several people arrested during a Sunday protest, and Antifa and its allies are not pleased. The Berkeley Police Department published the information for 15 out of 20 individuals they arrested, resulting in much criticism from left-wing activists. Berkeley Police’s tweets included arrested individuals’ names, ages, city of residence, as well as the charge on which they were arrested.

The arrests were made at a Sunday event billed as a “No to Marxism in Berkeley” rally by conservative activists. What should have been a peaceful demonstration, however, was disrupted by Antifa members hell-bent on breaking the law.

Before the rally, the city issued broad rules prohibiting “weapons” in the area and “anything … that can be used for a ‘riot’.” Officials also banned protesters from wearing masks. As usual, though, the Antifa failed to follow these rules, and thus, many of them were arrested.

  • Jason Wallach, 41-year-old male from Oakland, charged with possession of a banned weapon.
  • Kate Brenner, 69-year-old female from Oakland, charged with possession of a banned weapon.
  • Kristen Edith Koster, 50-year-old female from Berkeley, charged with possession of a dangerous weapon.
  • Maria Lewis, 29-year-old female from Emeryville, charged with carrying a banned weapon and working with others to commit a crime.
  • Thomas Parker, 22-year-old male from Berkeley, charged with working with others to commit a crime
  • Caitlin Boyle, 27-year-old female from Oakland, charged with working with others to commit a crime.
  • Blake Griffith, 29-year-old male from Oakland, charged with vandalism.
  • Sarena Perez, 39-year-old female from Oakland, charged with possession of a banned weapon.
  • David Chou, 26-year-old male from Santa Cruz, charged with possession of a banned weapon and working with others to commit a crime.
  • Freddy Martinez, 31-year-old male from Berkeley, charged with battery.
  • Ericka Sokolower-Shain, 28-year-old female from Berkeley, charged with possession of a banned weapon.
  • Javier Cruz-O’Connell, 22-year-old male from Berkeley, charged with possession of a banned weapon.
  • Jamie Hill, 30-year-old female from Emeryville, charged with possession of a banned weapon.
  • Bella Podolsky, 27-year-old female from San Francisco, charged with possession of a banned weapon.
  • Andres Gonzalez, 35-year-old male from Oakland, charged with five counts of carrying a banned weapon.
  • Jeffrey Garten, 28-year-old male, from Oakland, charged with a single count of carrying a banned weapon.

The Guardian, which was among the left-leaning outlets that were clearly disgusted by the Berkeley Police Department’s move to release the Antifas’ names and headshots, reported:

Berkeley police have arrested more than a dozen anti-fascist activists and posted their names and photos on Twitter, raising concerns that the department was encouraging harassment and abuse.

Law enforcement’s unusual decision to immediately publicize the personal information and faces of arrested leftwing demonstrators on social media has sparked intense backlash. Critics have accused police of aiding the far right and endangering counter-protesters with “public shaming” and targeted arrests for alleged minor offenses.

The California police agency said it had arrested 20 people on Sunday at an “alt-right” rally, citing many of them for “possession of a banned weapon” or “working with others to commit a crime”. Most, if not all, of the people arrested were counter protesters, according to lawyers and activists working with demonstrators.

The department posted many of their names, photos and cities of residence on its official Twitter account on Sunday before anyone was formally charged. As of early Monday afternoon, a spokesperson for the local district attorney told the Guardian that Berkeley police had not yet brought the cases to prosecutors for consideration.

“This is very disturbing,” said Veena Dubal, a University of California law professor and former Berkeley police review commissioner. “It seems like a public-shaming exercise, which is not the role of the police department … They are making it really accessible for folks who might wish these people harm to locate them.”

Let’s be very clear about one thing. No one should seek to do them bodily harm. We are better than that.

Of course, the police post mugshots of suspects arrested in their city all the time. This is nothing new. However, as usual, these liberal thugs want to play by different rules than the rest of us have to follow. They want to have their cake and eat it, too — they want to break the law and never see any consequences for their incendiary behavior.

Berkeley is among the most liberal cities in California, which is arguably the most liberal state in the country, so these Antifa brats surely thought that they’d be safe to break the law there without any repercussions. They were very, very wrong, though. Let’s share the heck out of their mugshots so that everyone knows who the true fascists are.


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