

Democrat Policies Are So REPULSIVE Even ‘Never-Trumpers’ Are Beginning To Join The Trump Train!

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President Trump’s booming economy and top-tier Supreme Court picks have transformed one vehement anti-Trumper into a Trump supporter.

“I was worried he wouldn’t be a good Republican and honestly, he has changed my mind a lot,” a man told Fox News at a Trump rally in Tampa, Florida, on July 31. “The best thing he has done, in my opinion, is the tax cuts and the Supreme Court pick.”

Fox News did not identify the man, but he has since been identified on social media as Mohammed Shaker, a Florida Republican who did not vote for Trump in the 2016 election but will probably vote for him in 2020 because Trump is “doing a good job.”

“I didn’t vote for anybody this very last election,” Shaker said before the Tampa rally. “But this time around [in 2020], I will probably vote for him.”

After the rally, Shaker was even more enthusiastic.

“I agree with him,” he told Fox News. “We need to make America strong again. We need to make America great again. I like most of what I heard. Coming from a guy that didn’t like him, to liking him now, that’s a step up, right?”

On Facebook, Mohammed slammed the media narrative that Trump supporters are racist, writing:

“During the rally today I didn’t wear a red MAGA hat nor a t-shirt and not a single person looked at me weird or treated me with disrespect. I think it’s safe to say that the rumor of Trump supporters being racists is a bit over exaggerated.”

Mohammed then urged his followers to be like him: “Although I was a Never-Trump Republican and don’t agree with some of his ideas…I do love some of it such as the tax cuts and massive amounts of deregulations…

Anti-Trumpers: you’re just a token/bootlicker/not a libertarian wahh.”

It appears that the leftist media’s over-the-top Trump Derangement Syndrome has driven former Never-Trumpers like Mohammed onto the Trump Train. Good job, MSM!

Via BizPac 

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