

The ‘Open-minded’ And ‘Compassionate’ Liberals Have Become SO VIOLENT That Conservative News Sources Had To Leave Supreme Court Steps For Safety Concerns

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Fox News was forced to cancel a live show on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court to cover President Trump’s newest SCOTUS nominee because of unhinged protesters who made everyone feel unsafe.

“Last year there were protesters and there was opposition to Justice Gorsuch. Tonight we saw something different,” FNC host Shannon Bream said inside a studio. “We did have a plan to have our show out there live. It got so volatile at points that we ultimately didn’t feel like it would be safe to do an hour of live television. Where are we?”

On July 9, President Trump nominated D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy, who’s retiring. Among those protesting in D.C. were Democratic Senators Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, and Kirsten Gillibrand.

Liberals were planning to protest whomever the nominee was, even before they knew who it was, simply to obstruct anything President Trump does.

Bream tweeted that she felt scared for her safety. “Very few times I’ve felt threatened while out in the field,” she tweeted. “The mood here tonight is very volatile.”

She added: “Literally had to bail on our live show from SCOTUS. Moving the show back to the safety of the studio.”

In addition to protesting on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court, Trump-hating leftists protested outside Trump Tower in New York, even though the president wasn’t even there.

Among those arrested during the Trump Tower protest was New York City Councilman Jumaane Williams (D-Brooklyn).

Naturally, Williams tweeted photos of himself being arrested in a thirsty bid for retweets and to bolster his liberal street cred (which these days mandates being arrested).

Judge Brett Kavanaugh apparently opened a Twitter account hours after being nominated to thank President Trump for his confidence and to reaffirm his commitment to upholding the Constitution of the United States.

“I am grateful to President Trump and I am humbled by his confidence in me. Thank you President,” he tweeted. (Note: It’s unclear if this is Judge Kavanaugh’s real account since it’s not verified yet by Twitter.)

Even anti-Trumpers John McCain, Mitt Romney, and George W. Bush applauded President Trump’s stellar SCOTUS nominee.

Conservatives predicted liberals’ unhinged reaction hours before it happened.


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