

Opposition To Kavanaugh Allege The SCOTUS Pick Called Hillary Clinton ‘Something Terrible’ – It Just Gave Us One More Reason To Like Him!

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Liberals are wasting no time piling on President Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee – and this one is no fan of Hillary Clinton.

Before Trump made the announcement Monday night that Judge Brett Kavanaugh would be nominated to fill Justice Anthony Kennedy’s place, attacks were launched on all of Trump’s top contenders.

Kavanaugh worked with Kenneth Starr when he was appointed to investigate former president Bill Clinton as independent counsel and eventually uncovered the infamous Monica Lewinsky scandal.

According to an excerpt from the book “Blinded by the Right,” Kavanaugh mouthed the word “bitch” at the sight of Hillary Clinton while watching Bill Clinton’s 1997 State of the Union at Laura Ingraham’s home.

The excerpt was tweeted by the Washington Post’s Robert Costa:

“Blinded by the Right” was written by former conservative journalist turned Democrat David Brock and should be taken with a grain of salt.

Although there’s no way to “prove” if Kavanaugh called Hillary Clinton a “bitch,” the fact that he worked on Starr’s investigation of Bill Clinton was enough to have some savvy Twitter users asking how Mrs. Clinton was handling the news about his nomination:

Expect liberals to try to make hay out of the excerpt. In the meantime, this tweet rings true:


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