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The FBI Is Officially For Sale! Agents Admit To Taking Bribes From EVERYONE

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60 FBI agents took bribes from CNN, The New York Times, NBC News and many others. The agents are said to have taken a total of 300 gifts from the mainstream liberal news.

From True Pundit:

Concert tickets. Expensive private dinners. NFL tickets. Parties on booze cruises. Discounts on travel.

FBI insiders said more than 60 agents in D.C. alone have been nailed for taking gifts from the news media. Inspector General Michael Horowitz said earlier this week about 50 FBI agents took 300 free gifts from news media.

However, Horowitz failed to stipulate that number is ONLY in Washington D.C. which covers one field office and FBI headquarters. The Inspector General did not examine the FBI’s other field offices, officials said. And the problem of taking free gifts for Intel is rampant, officials said.

New York. Los Angeles. New Haven. Philadelphia. The list goes on in the FBI’s 55 other field offices.


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