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This Longtime Democratic Lawmaker Says He Is Flipping Sides and Vows To Support Republicans Until ‘Dems Regain Sanity’

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While Democrats lurch further and further to the left, embracing socialism, open borders and violence against political opponents, not everyone in the party is happy about its growing extremism.

For one Democratic legislator in New York, a mailing from his state’s most powerful Democrat, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, was the last straw.

From Western Journal:

Assemblyman Dov Hikind of Brooklyn said in a Facebook post Thursday that he will support only Republicans until “sanity and honesty” are restored to the Democratic Party.

The 68-year-old Hikind said Schumer’s solicitation for donations was “riddled with attacks on the ‘hard right’ but omitted vital information.” The assemblyman said he would “fill in the blanks.”

“Senator Schumer, in your letter you promise to fight for Democratic values and go on at great length to fully villainize the current administration,” Hikind wrote, “but you left out certain facts that my fellow Democrats, to say nothing of all Americans, should also be aware of.”

He then proceeded to rattle off many of the accomplishments of President Donald Trump and the GOP.

Hikind first mentioned the booming economy and shrinking unemployment. “It’s also at a record low for minorities,” he said. “That’s very good news, Senator.”

The assemblyman said he and “tens of millions of Americans” are happy about Trump’s tax cuts: “I’m part of the middle class and now I’m getting a little extra in my paycheck.”

Hikind also pointed to the Trump administration’s foreign policy successes.

“You forgot to tell us about the most remarkable relationship between the United States and our ally Israel ever,” he wrote.

“You forgot to tell us about the successful dismantling of the Iran Deal — a deal which you yourself opposed and knew threatened the rest of the world by making it easier for Iran, the leading supporter of world terrorism, to develop nuclear weapons. …

“You forgot to tell us about a potential peace with a denuclearized North Korea.”

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