

She Clearly Forgot About Her Treasonous Efforts In Vietnam – Jane Fonda Urges Hollywood Elites To Take Over America

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When will the Hollywood elite ever learn that average Americans don’t really care what they think?

Actress and political activist Jane Fonda took an award ceremony opportunity to whine about the current state of government, warning her fellow Democrats that America is facing an “existential crisis” under President Trump.

“This is an existential crisis that we’re in,” the 80-year-old actress told a crowd of Hollywood elites at the Environmental Media Association’s first Honors Benefit Gala where Fonda was presented with the Female EMA Lifetime Achievement Award, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

“We have to do everything we can to take back the house in November. If anything can save us, it’s gonna be taking back our government,” she said.

Fonda, who infamously insulted U.S. soldiers in Vietnam as “war criminals,” is a vocal critic of Trump’s, taking part in the nationwide anti-Trump Women’s March and last year referring to the president as the “predator-in-chief.”

Actress Lily Tomlin, who co-stars with Fonda in “Grace and Frankie” and presented her with the EMA Award, thinks the president is “dangerous to the planet.”

“[Trump] is dangerous — he’s unfortunately dangerous to the planet, if nothing else. If we could raise Trump’s consciousness, that would be helpful,” Tomlin told The Hollywood Reporter.

Much of the EMA event seemed focused on Trump and his stand on environmental issues. Last year’s decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement in order to protect Americans and their jobssent environmental activists into a tailspin.

According to The Hollywood Reporter:

EMA, which is headed by president and CEO Debbie Levin, is a nonprofit organization that relies on its influential entertainment industry tastemakers, entrepreneurs in finance and technology, and green icons to raise awareness and promote environmental progress. Although the organization has held Summit conferences and award ceremonies in the past, Saturday was their first-ever gala, which focused a considerable amount on President Donald Trump and his administration.


“We have to be the voice for our planet. Our truth needs to be louder,” Levin said.

“I’m not quite sure why they’re not moving forward with sustainability,”Levin added, noting that Trump has  presented a “multitude of challenges for EMA” since he took office. “Sustainable businesses and energy is the best business you can be in, and [Trump] is a business man.”

Twitter users again reminded Hanoi Jane and her cohorts that Hollywood does not speak for America.


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